The Government Scheme

Information provided by the government on their Homes for Ukraine Scheme

The Scheme:

Registering to become a Sponsor: It's necessary, but nothing follows from it.

Scheme FAQ’s:

Apply for a visa:

Don't forget to sign up for updates to each of the government pages, given things are still changing and more information comes out each week. To do so, scroll down to the very bottom of each page, where you will find the instructions.

Sponsor Thank You Payment

Each sponsor is entitled to thank you payments of £350 / month / household for up to 12 months. This will be paid once the accommodation you are offering has been inspected by the Local Authority. Sponsors do not initiate this, the Local Authority does.

The Thank You Payment should not affect sponsors negatively -- for example, it won't affect sponsors who are in receipt of housing benefit, universal credit, pension credit, council tax discount, and so on.

Here is a Dept. of Work and Pensions FAQ on the subject, which may be of interest . FAQs